Hunter Defence Support Network


Linking Locals

Our mission is to improve the lives of Defence members posted to the Hunter through support and integration with the local community.

We understand the challenges Defence members and their families face constantly having to integrate into new communities.  Each new posting means reestablishing a home, children’s education, partner employment, along with a myriad of other challenges, often in unfamiliar locations without a network of friends and family for support.

HDSN aims to be this local, strong and supportive network. We link the local civilian community with the local defence community, to foster support, integration and collaboratively created solutions to the issues faced.


Thank you

To the Newcastle Knights and all who supported our limited edition Knights HDSN Training Tee auction. We raised over $10,000 thanks to the kind bidders, and all those whose who helped us spread the word.

We sincerely look forward to continuing our work to support our Defence locals.

Training tees designed in kind by Out of the Square Media

Training tees designed in kind by Out of the Square Media

How we link locals


Seminars & Workshops

Local civilian leaders in their field provide practical seminars and workshops, tailored specifically to local serving defence community needs and requests


Honorary Commanders Program

Local leaders from the business community are paired up with leaders from the Defence community to foster mutual sharing and understanding of each other’s professional challenges


Integration Events

These special events involve both the local civilian and local Defence communities, and are focused on welcoming and celebrating the contribution of Defence to our Hunter region

How can you link in?

Defence community locals

Are you or a family member currently serving in the Defence in the Hunter?

We welcome you to join one of our upcoming seminars, workshops or integration events. We would also love to hear how we, your local community, can support you.


Civilian community locals

Are you part of the local civilian community, looking to connect with, support and learn about your local defence community?

We have a range of ways you can contribute, such as attending an integration event, presenting at a seminar or workshop, or participating in one of our great fundraisers.

Upcoming Events


Thank you to our SPONSORs

Sign up for our mailing list

We will notify you of special events, offerings and opportunities